How Do I Choose the Right Size Sleep Bag for My Baby?

How Do I Choose the Right Size Sleep Bag for My Baby?

Choosing the right size for your baby’s sleep bag isn’t just about comfort; it’s about safety, too. Get it just right, and you're in for a peaceful night. Too big or small? Not so much. Here’s the scoop on nailing that perfect sleep sack fit.

Know Where to Measure 

It’s all in the measurements – from the base of the neck to the bottom of the tootsies. Why so specific? Because a sleep sack that's too long or loose can be a safe sleep hazard, and one that's too snug? Well, that's just a recipe for a restless night.

gunamuna's Size Chart - Your Sleep Sack Compass

Here's a little cheat sheet to guide you through gunamuna’s sleep bag sizes. Don’t forget – when measuring for your baby’s size, you always want to measure from the base of the neck to the bottom of the feet, not the full height of your baby! Grab your measuring tape and let's get to it:



Bag Length





sleep bag



sleep bag



sleep bag



sleep bag


A Fit That Grows with Them

Remember, you're looking for the Goldilocks zone – not too loose, not too tight. gunamuna’s sleep sacks are designed to grow with your baby, thanks to forgiving bamboo fabric and a generous fit. This means you’ll get more mileage out of each size – because who has time to shop for sleep sacks every month?

Selecting the right size sleep sack requires a just sprinkle of intuition and a solid reference point (hello, size chart!). With these tips & our sleep bag size guide, you're well on your way to a fit that promises safer, snugger, and sounder sleep for your baby.